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3 Magic Tricks for Personal Injury Attorneys

3 balls

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Summary: Sometimes legal work requires magic to make problems disappear. Unlike theatrical magicians, attorneys cannot use redirection or spools of colored silk scarves to amaze their audience of clients, peers and managers. Read on…

Want to see a magic trick? Well you won’t actually see it, but we’ll use the “Theatre of the Mind” so you can experience it.

In fact, I’m going to do THREE TRICKS at the same time.

First, I need you to pick a client. Not just any client, but one with a lot of unfortunate injuries seeking recovery of medical copays and pain and suffering.

PI Client

Second, I need you to make half of your staff disappear. Give them a vacation or a pink slip. Better yet, they’ve been abducted by green men from Mars. When you walk in your office, half the people that work there are simply gone.

Half Law Firm

Finally, you’ve just gotten a huge case which is going to be one which really puts you personally and your firm on the Top 100 Attorney list. But to get it right, you need the help of the remaining half of your staff that the Martians didn’t abduct.

Big Legal Case

But wait!

Let’s look at what we’ve built for your trick. An existing client with a BOATLOAD of medical records, a staff that has been ABDUCTED by ALIENS, and a GIANT, REVENUE RECORD SHATTERING opportunity.

Let’s put them all in an imaginary jar. BTW – if you have trouble imagining a jar I’ve copied one for you to concentrate on.Glass Jar

And now for the magic –

Prepare: Quickly sit down in front of the closest computer connected to the internet.

Launch your favorite browser and type – Press ENTER

VOILA! Here comes the REAL magic.

BOOM! Your injured client’s medical records have been requested and will soon be in a secure, strong-encrypted cloud database, accessed from anywhere on any internet connected device. All HIPAA compliance rules are followed, and with the RRS “Fair Pricing” model, the costs are lower than if you had your own team back from Mars doing the work.

BANG! Your high-profile client can get the resources you need to deploy to put you on the Top 100 list, because your remaining staff can be laser focused on it. They are not wasting their well-educated and developed skills making follow-up phone calls for medical records.

POW! You can see real-time status of requested records, actions taken, “no-records found” certificates, and other necessary but optional choices such as Bates stamping, Summarization, Express Turnaround, and more.

And you did it all without disappointing even ONE client. Your invoice is a hard-bill not a compilation of associate or paralegals time on-hold waiting for hospitals and other healthcare providers only to be challenged by the client. And if any of this happens to be pro-bono work in California, you don’t have to absorb the expenses considered office overhead by outsourcing the service to Record Retrieval Solutions.

The Bottom Line:

We’re happy to teach you even more – no tricks, just real savings, and fast service. Visit us at and complete a Contact Us form, and we’ll happily answer your remaining questions and get you set up to start saving money now.

Oh and the Martian invasion…. Well, you can never be too careful…. Alien

Disclaimer: The content provided in this blog is for informational purposes only and should not be considered legal, medical, or professional advice. Record Retrieval Solutions makes every effort to ensure the accuracy and reliability of the information provided. Still, we encourage readers to consult with qualified professionals for specific advice related to their situation.
