Medical Record Copying Fees by State
Nationwide rates for record search, storage, and copying

You can rely on RRS to retrieve records from all 50 US states. We’ve served as a valuable asset to insurance and law firms since 2014 by quickly retrieving medical records at the cost dictated by each state. Below are each state’s current copy fees.
Note that Alaska, Idaho, and South Dakota do not have fee statutes in place.
- Hover over each state to view the fees. Or
For copies:
- A basic retrieval or processing fee, which includes the cost of the first 10
pages is $58.58.
Additional changes per page:
- $1.97 for pages 11 to 60
- $0.96 for pages 61 to 400
- $0.53 for any remaining pages
- $0.53 for any remaining pages
For records stored on microform:
- A retrieval or processing fee, including the cost of the first 10 pages is
- An additional charge of $2.04 per page for pages beyond the first 10 pages.
- The cost of mailing, shipping or delivery is extra.
- For records provided in a digital or electronic format (requesting party specifies
to deliver in a digital or electronic medium, including electronic mail) including
CDs, X-rays and other imaging:
- The retrieval or processing fee is $106.12.
- The cost of mailing, shipping or delivery is extra.
Other fees:
- A reasonable fee for executing an affidavit or certifying a document,
according to the Texas Civil Practice and Remedies Code §22.004.
- $10.00 for a set of written responses to a written set of questions.
- Notary fees may also be charged under the Texas Government Code
Chapter 406.
- Search Fee: $5.00
- −25 Pages: $1.00/page
- 26+ Pages: $0.50/page
- X-rays/Other Media: Actual reproduction cost
No current laws for copying medical records on record in this state.Arizona
A reasonable fee may be chargedArkansas
- Search Fee: $15.00
- −25 Pages: $0.50
- 26+ Pages: $0.25
- Storage Fee: A reasonable fee may be charged for records stored off site
- Copy Fee: $0.25/page
- Microfilm: $0.50/page
- X-rays: Actual reproduction cost
- Attorney Rates
- Search Fee/−10 Pages: $18.53 flat fee
- 11+ Pages: $0.85/page
- 41+ Pages: $0.57/page
- Microfilm: $1.50/pageAttorney Rates
Copy Fee: $0.65/pageDelaware
Paper/Electronic Records
- −10 Pages: $2.00/page
- 11+ Pages: $1.00/page
- 21+ Pages: $0.90/page
- 61+ Pages: $0.50/page
- Microfilm/Other Media: Actual reproduction cost
- Search Fee: $25.00
- −20 Pages: $1.25/page
- 21+ Pages: $0.90/page
- 61+ Pages: $0.30/page
District of Columbia
A reasonable fee may be charged
- Search Fee: $25.88
- −20 Pages: $0.97/page
- 21+ Pages: $0.83/page
- 101+ Pages: $0.66/page
- Certification Fee: $9.70
- Search Fee/−150 Pages: $30.00 flat fee
- 151+ Pages: $0.20/page
- X-rays: $9.50/copy
A reasonable fee may be charged
- Search Fee: $33.60
−25 Pages: - $1.26/page
- 26+ Pages:
- $0.84/page
- 50+ Pages:
- $0.42/page
- Microfilm/Other Media: $2.10/page
Code of Civil Procedure 735 ILCS 5/8-2001(d) and (h) The person requesting copies of records shall reimburse the facility or healthcare practitioner for all reasonable expenses, including the costs of independent copy service companies, incurred in connection with such copying not to exceed a handling charge for processing the request, and the actual postage or shipping charge, if any, plus copy charges.
The facility or healthcare practitioner may, however, charge for the reasonable cost of all duplication of record material or information that cannot routinely be copied or duplicated on a standard commercial photocopy machine such as X-ray films or pictures.
Records retrieved from scanning, digital imaging, electronic information or other digital format do not qualify as microfiche or microfilm retrieval for purposes of calculating charges.
For electronic records, retrieved from a scanning, digital imaging, electronic information or other digital format in a electronic document, a charge of 50% of the per page charge for paper copies listed above. This per page charge includes the cost of each CD Rom, DVD, or other storage media.
Records already maintained in an electronic or digital format shall be provided in an electronic format when so requested. If the records system does not allow for the creation or transmission of an electronic or digital record, then the facility or practitioner shall inform the requester in writing of the reason the records cannot be provided electronically.
A health care facility or health care practitioner shall provide without charge one complete copy of a patient's records if the records are being requested by the patient or a person, entity, attorney, registered representative, or organization presenting a valid authorization for the release of records signed by the patient or the patient's legally authorized representative who has provided documentation of authority to act for the patient, or by such other requester as is authorized by statute if the patient is deceased, for the purpose of supporting a claim for: (1) federal veterans' disability benefits; (2) federal Social Security or Supplemental Security Income benefits, or both, under any title of the Social Security Act; or (3) Aid to the Aged, Blind, or Disabled benefits.
- Search Fee/−10 Pages: $20.00 flat fee
- 11+ Pages: $0.50/page
- 51+ Pages: $0.25/page
- Microfilm/Other Media: $1.25/page
- Rush Fee: Additional $10 for requests completed/sent within 2 days
A reasonable fee may be charged
- −20 Pages: $20
- 21+ Pages: $20 + $1/page
- 31+ Pages: $30 + $0.50/page
- 101+ Pages: $65 + $0.25 per page
- 201+ Pages: $90 + $0.10/page
A cost-based fee may be charged
- −10 Pages: $16.00 flat fee
- 11+ Pages: $12.00 flat fee (+ $16.00 = $28.00 total)
- 50+ Pages: $0.35/page
- First copy request from patient: FREE
- Second copy request (same patient and same records): $1.00/page
Worker’s Comp
- Copy Fee: $0.50/page
- Search Fee: $25.00
- −25 Pages: $1.00/page
- 26+ Pages: $0.50/page
- 351+ Pages: $0.25/page
Electronic Records
- Search Fee: $25.00
- −25 Pages: $1.00/page
- 26+ Pages: $0.50/page
- 351+ Pages: $0.25/page
- Max Fee: $100.00/request
- From hospitals: $20 flat fee + reasonable production costs
- From other healthcare providers: $10 flat fee + reasonable production costs
Worker's Comp
- First Request: FREE
- Second Request: $0.50/page
Paper Records
- Per Page: $5.00
- 2+ Pages: $0.45/page
- Max Fee: $250.00/request
Electronic Records
- A reasonable fee may be charged
- Max Fee: $150.00/request
- Search Fee: $22.88
- Copy Fee: $0.76/page
For the period, effective October 1, 2023, we have determined that the rate using these indices has increased by 1.8292%, which would result in a maximum state-based rate for copying fees as follows:- $28.38 base charge for clerical and other administrative expenses related to complying with the request for making a copy of the record;
- $0.95 per-page charge for the first 100 pages copied; and
- $0.49 per-page charge for each page in excess of 100 pages.
- Initial fee of $26.74 per request for a copy of the record.
- $1.34 per page for the first 20 pages.
- $0.67 per page for pages 21 through 50.
- $0.27 for pages 51 and over
- If the medical record is in some form or medium other than paper, the actual cost of preparing a duplicate
- Any postage or shipping costs incurred by the health care provider, health facility, or medical records company in providing the copies
- Any actual costs incurred by the health care provider, health facility, or medical records company in retrieving medical records that are 7 years old or older and not maintained or accessible on-site
- Source: MI Comp Law §333.26269 (adjusted based on CPI in 2022) Last updated: 04/01/2022
- Search Fee: $20.35
- Copy Fee: $1.53/page
- X-rays: $10 search fee + actual reproduction cost per page
- Search Fee/−20 Pages: $20.00 flat fee
- 21+ Pages: $1.00/page
- 81+ Pages: $0.50/page
- Search/Storage Fee: $15.00 (charged for records retrieved off site)
- Certification Fee: $25.00
- -5 Pages: $15.00/admission
- 6+ Pages: $0.50/page/admission + fee for -5 pages
- Max Fee: $50.00/admission, excluding
- postage/handling/retrieval fees
Paper Records
- Search Fee: $27.46
- Copy Fee: $0.63/page
- Storage Fee: $25.71 + additional fee for records retrieved off site
Electronic Records
- Search Fee: $27.46
- Copy Fee: $0.63/page
- Max Fee: $120.32
- Search Fee: $15.00
- Copy Fee: $0.50/page
- Search Fee: $20.00
- Copy Fee: $0.50/page
- X-rays/Other Media: Actual reproduction cost
- Copy Fee: .60 per page and must not exceed $40 or the amount per page prescribed by NRS 629.061, whichever is less
- X-rays/Other Media: Reasonable fees may be charged
New Hampshire
- Copy Fee: $15 flat fee (30 pages) or $0.50/page
- X-rays/Other Media: Reasonable fees may be charged
New Jersey
Hospitals (For Attorneys Representing Patients)
- Search Fee: $10.00
- 100+ Pages: $1.00/page
- 101+ Pages: $0.25/page
- Max Fee: $200.00/admission
Clinics (For Attorneys Representing Patients)
- Search Fee: $10.00
- Copy Fee: $1.00/page
- Max Fee: $100.00/admission
For Attorneys NOT Representing Patients
- Search Fee: $10.00
- Copy Fee: $1.00/page
New Mexico
- −15 Pages: $30.00 flat fee
- 16+ Pages: $0.25/page
- X-rays/Other Media: Actual reproduction cost
New York
- Copy Fee: $0.75/page
- X-rays/Other Media: Actual reproduction cost
Worker’s Comp
- Copy Fee: $0.75/page
North Carolina
- −25 Pages: $0.75/page
- 26+ Pages: $0.50/page
- 100+ Pages: $0.25/page
- Minimum Fee: $10.00
North Dakota
Paper Records
- −25 Pages: $20 flat fee
- 26+ Pages: $0.75/page
Electronic Records
- −25 Pages: $30 flat fee
- 26+ Pages: $0.25/page
- Search Fee: $21.65
- 10 Pages: $1.42/page
- 11+ Pages: $0.73/page
- 51+ Pages: $0.29/page
- X-rays/Other Media (recorded on film/paper): $2.35/page
- The actual cost of postage may also be charged
Paper Records
- Search Fee: $10.00
- Copy Fee: $0.50/page
- X-rays/Other Media: $5.00/page
- Postage: Actual mailing cost
Electronic Records
- Search Fee: $10.00
- Copy Fee: $0.30/page, max $200.00 (requires EMR)
- Search Fee: $30.00 (Includes pages 1-10)
- Pages 11-50: $0.50 per page
- Pages 51+: $0.25 per page
- X-rays and other media: Actual cost of reproduction
- Search Fee: $25.20
- −20 Pages: $1.70/page
- 21+ Pages: $1.26/page
- 61+ Pages: $0.44/page
- Microfilm: $2.51/page
District Attorney Requests
- Copy Fee: $25.20 flat fee
SSA Requests
- Copy Fee: $31.94 flat fee
Electronic Records
- Pursuant to 42 U.S.C. § 17935(e), if a health care provider uses or maintains health records in an electronic format with respect to protected health information of an individual, such individual shall have a right to obtain from the health care provider a copy of such information in an electronic format. The individual also has a choice to direct the health care provider to transmit electronically a copy of the health record directly to an entity or person designated by the individual, provided that any such choice is clear, conspicuous, and specific. Any fee that the health care provider may impose for providing such information (or a summary or explanation of such information) in an electronic format shall not be greater than the labor costs in responding to the request. The Department of Health and Human Services has stated that the labor costs may not include costs associated with searching for and retrieving the requested information.
Rhode Island
Paper Records
- −50 Pages: $0.75/page
- 51+ Pages: $0.50/page
Electronic Records
- Copy Fee: $0.10/page
- X-rays/Other Media: Reasonable costs, but not exceed $25.00
- Max Fee: $25.00
- Rush Fee: $20.00 (for requests completed and delivered within 48 hours)
South Carolina
Paper Records
- $ 0.80 per page up to 30 pages per admission
- $ 0.61 per page in excess of 30 pages per admission $ 31.02
- Clerical fee maximum (only one clerical fee may be charged even if there is more then one admission to a health care facility) Total not to Exceed: $248.23 Total is per admission + add Postage + add Sales tax GRAND TOTAL $ If no records are found, a $25.00 maximum clerical fee may be charge
Electronic Records
$ 0.80 per page up to 30 pages
$ 0.61 per page in excess of 30 pages
$ 31.02 Clerical fee maximum
Total not to Exceed: $186.18
Total is regardless of the number of admissions + add Postage + add Sales tax GRAND TOTAL $
If no records are found, a $25.00 maximum clerical fee may be charged
South Dakota
- Copy Fee: Actual reproduction and mailing expense
Clinic Records
- −5 Pages: $20.00 flat fee
- 6+ Pages: $0.50/page
- Postage: Actual mailing expense
Hospital Records
- −5 Pages: $18.00 flat fee
- 6+ Pages: $0.85/page
- 51+ Pages: $0.60/page
- Postage: Actual mailing expense
Social Security
Attorneys representing patients who are applying for social security benefits and indigent may receive records for FREE. Proof of indigency affidavit may be required.
Paper Records
- Search Fee: $21.16
- −40 Pages: $0.53/page
- 41+ Pages: $0.32/page
Electronic Records
- Copy Fee: 50% of the per page fee
- Copy Fee: $5.00 or no more than $0.50/page
Note: Attorneys representing patients who are applying for social security benefits may receive records for FREE.
Paper Records
- Search Fee: $20.00
- −50 Pages: $0.50/page
- 51+ Pages: $0.25/page
Electronic Records
- Search Fee: $20.00
- −50 Pages: $0.37/page
- 51+ Pages: $0.18/page
Microfilm/Other Media
- Search Fee: $10.00
- Copy Fee: $1.00/page
- Search Fee: $28.00
- −30 Pages: $1.24/page
- 31+ Pages: $0.94/page
West Virginia
- Search Fee: $20.00
- Copy Fee (Paper Records): $0.40/page
- Copy Fee (Digital Records): $0.20/page
- Max Fee (Electronic Records): $150
Paper Records- Search Fee (For Non-patient Related Requests): $23.13
- −25 Pages: $1.19/page
- −50 Pages: $0.89/page
- -100 Pages: $0.58/page
- 101+ Pages: $0.35/page
- Copy Fee: $1.74/page
- X-rays: $11.70/image
- Certification (For Non-patient Related Requests): $9.38/request
- Flat Fee (Electronic): $26.00
- Search Fee (Paper): $7.50 (Includes pages 1-16)
- Pages 17+ (Paper): $0.45 per page
A reasonable fee may be charged
Note: The rates listed above are subject to change depending on new rulings in each state. If you notice outdated or incorrect information, please contact us.
Also note: These rates are meant for third-party requesters and are not inclusive of fees for patient or patient directive appeals based on HITECH Act updates.
Our record retrieval solutions
for attorneys and law firms
Frequently asked questions
Our Fair Pricing model presents a $40 fixed flat fee for handling all aspects of a typical record request. We also offer a wide range of time- and cost-saving document management services. You can see the full details on our pricing page.
Yes, we will work the case until you get what you need. We do a quality check to make sure the records are for the correct person, legible, within the correct time frame, and the type of records requested. Sometimes providers or copy services send incomplete records, and it’s impossible for us to identify if they left something out. In this situation, once you inform us, we go back to the provider to get what’s missing — at no additional fee to you.
If a record is unavailable, a “No Records Found” certificate will be issued automatically.
Our system is incredibly easy to use: Simply submit your medical record request through our secure, encrypted, HIPAA-compliant online portal. You can log in at any time to check the status of your documents and when they are ready, you can download them.
We are also well known for our hands-on service, so if we encounter any issues with your request, we will reach out to you immediately. And if you ever have any questions or concerns, you can contact us directly for immediate help.
We bill you the same day we complete your order. We email you the invoice, and you also can review it in your user account by logging in to the portal.
Yes, we can.
Yes, we can get records from any medical provider in Canada, Mexico, or Puerto Rico.
We handle standard medical records, radiology imaging records, prescription records, electronic medical records, medical billing records, personnel & payroll records, and police reports.
Yes, we work with Ciox, MRO, and ScanSTAT.