Thousands of clients already trust us
with their medical records retrieval needs and we want you to join them!

Why choose RRS as your medical record retrieval partner?
More than 30 years in the medical records retrieval business
100% online ordering, retrieval, billing, and payment processes
Once a request is made, the entire process is handled by the RRS team
Quick record delivery
(average of 15 days)
Records delivered through RRS's HIPAA-compliant online portal
Log in at any time to check the status of your request
Create a new account now and get your first 5 orders on us
+ a pair of AirPods Pro 2 engraved to your name!
How does it work
Create a free account on our portal by clicking the button below. (Use the code AIRPODS25 when creating an account)
Get Your First 5 Orders on Us! Simply cover the providers' fees, and we’ll waive our service fee—saving you an instant $225!
Place a total of 25 orders by 31st January 2025 and we will send you a free pair of AirPods Pro 2 engraved to the name of your choice.
That’s as simple as that with RRS !
If you would like to know more about our services and get a free consultation + a demo of our medical record retrieval portal, click the button below:
We have chosen to outsource to RRS based on feedback from colleagues about their speed, accuracy, and fair pricing model. They have lived up to the hype. They are by far the best, most efficient, and most economical medical record and billing retrieval service I have used in nearly 30 years of legal practice. RRS frees up time for us to handle the more important aspects of cases, including case intake and settlement.
John C. Miller,
Jr. Miller Injury Attorneys
Create your free account now in
less than 2 minutes
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To get started please complete the sign up form below. Or, still need more information? Click here to send us a message.
* Important: If you're looking to request records for yourself, we recommend contacting your provider directly for assistance as this is not a service we can provide.
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