How US law firms can benefit from outsourcing their record retrieval needs

Ready to get started with our medical record retrieval services? Choose one of the following options

Lawyers juggle numerous tasks to keep their cases moving forward. They meet with their clients, conduct research, draft legal documents, and accomplish many other things. One of the most crucial yet time-consuming parts of their work is obtaining records.

Having complete and accurate paperwork for a case can spell the difference between winning and losing. However, the process of retrieving these can be tedious. It requires multiple follow-ups and step-by-step compliance with the laws and regulations on safekeeping and releasing documents. This is why many US law firms avail of record retrieval services. If your law firm opts to do the same, then your firm would be able to:

1. Obtain documents more easily

You typically need to acquire multiple documents from different custodians to build a strong case. For example, a medical malpractice lawsuit requires the following:

  • Medical records from the hospital
  • Prescription documents from the pharmacy
  • Insurance paperwork from the insurance company
  • Personnel and payroll records from the employer

This means you need to reach out to all of these custodians and learn their respective processes for releasing records. Some of these processes may even be complicated since the documents they possess are protected by stringent regulations such as the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 (HIPAA).

An established record retrieval provider can simplify the entire process for your law firm. Specifically, when you work with Record Retrieval Solutions (RRS), you just need to submit your record request via our HIPAA-compliant online portal, then we’ll take it from there. You can also use this portal to check the status of your request and download your requested documents once these are available.

2. Get your records faster

Partnering with a provider can expedite the record retrieval process. In particular, we at RRS have an average turnaround time of 12 days. We get records fast because we have a deep understanding of the crucial aspects of the entire process. Not only that, we have also developed personal relationships with different record custodians, allowing us to effectively communicate with them and avoid or work around delays.

With a faster record retrieval process, you can also settle your cases faster.

3. Have accurate and complete paperwork at all times

To obtain a document, you must know the following:

  • Who to contact
  • What forms to fill out
  • What steps to take
  • What guidelines and regulations to follow

The problem is that these factors differ for each type of record, and if you’re not familiar with these, you’re likely to make mistakes and end up with incomplete or incorrect paperwork. Many cases cannot push forward if the relevant documents are incomplete. Or if they do move forward, you may get less favorable case outcomes or dismissals, which may then lead to irate clients and/or a damaged reputation.

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But when you work with a record retrieval specialist like RRS, you can rest easy knowing that you’ll get exactly the paperwork you need. Before you can download your requested records, we make sure these undergo a quality assurance process to guarantee readability, accuracy, and completeness.

4. Free up your staff’s time for higher-value work

With your employees freed from the tedious record retrieval process, they can focus their time on core competencies and increase their productivity toward settling cases and improving client relationships.

5. Save money

When you let your in-house staff obtain records, they may make mistakes and cause delays that cost you money. But when you partner with RRS, you don’t have to worry about incurring extra expenses since we know how to get the right records on the first try. What’s more, we’re always updated on all the standardized record copy fees and service charges, so you won’t get charged more than the legally allowed amounts.

Want to enjoy all of the benefits discussed here? Outsource your record retrieval needs to RRS today!

Obtain your paperwork fast and hassle-free when you partner with Record Retrieval Solutions.

Contact us today to get started

About The Author

img Chuck Dart
Chuck Dart started in the record retrieval business three decades ago. As the industry evolved from analog to digital, he recognized an opportunity to create a single, simple online solution that standardizes the record request and retrieval process across the entire healthcare industry.
