Outsourced Record Retrieval – A PI Attorney’s View


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Record Retrieval Solutions (RRS) is honored to present a guest blog from Personal Injury attorney John C. Miller, Jr. of Miller Injury Attorneys of El Dorado Hills, CA. Mr. Miller shares his experiences as a personal injury attorney, the value of outsourced record retrieval, and his experience working with RRS.

As a personal injury attorney for more than 28 years, I have come to realize that having my in-house staff or myself order, and track medical records and bills is a huge and colossal waste of time and energy.  One of the issues is the form of release required. Many medical providers require a specific type of medical release. If these are not used, despite legion efforts, the medical provider will not produce the medical records or bills. Another issue is that many medical providers require different formats for medical releases as a relates to medical records versus medical bills. A final, significant issue is that many medical providers have a different address from which to obtain medical records versus medical bills and may even segregate hospital, radiological, and medical office billing and records.

At our firm, we handle a wide variety of personal injury cases, including automobile icicle accidents, motorcycle accidents, dog bite cases and slip and fall cases. In each of these cases, our clients are treated by numerous and varied medical providers. Therefore it is vitally important to quickly obtain copies of medical records and bills, so that these cases can be timely resolved.

Regardless of the size of the law firm, obtaining medical records and bills is a colossal task. First, as referenced above, one needs to determine the correct type of medical release needed, given the numbers and varied forms provided by different medical/healthcare providers. Second, one need to determine whether or not a separate medical release is needed for medical records versus medical bills. In addition, one need to determine addresses for the various medical facilities and their billing offices to which to send these numerous and varied medical release forms. Even more significantly, office staff will need to “track” all of these medical releases and related correspondence and deal with the numerous rejections for a variety of reasons. Obtaining medical records from a single medical provider can take numerous telephone calls and follow-up letters. What we have discovered is outsourced medical record retrieval to Record Retrieval Solutions (RRS) frees up time for us to handle the more important and significant aspect of cases, including case intake and settlement.

Additionally, having the data in a secure, encrypted cloud environment makes it simple to access medical records and bills from any device connected to the internet for someone authorized for said access.

We have chosen to outsource to Record Retrieval Solutions (RRS) based on feedback from colleagues about their speed, accuracy and fair pricing model.

They have lived up to the hype. They are by far, the best, most efficient, and most economical medical record and billing retrieval service I have used in nearly 30 years of legal practice. The process of ordering records from their online portal is extremely easy and self-explanatory. The upload of the single format medical release form provided by RRS is accepted by all medical providers for billing and medical record information. It is quite easy and streamlined. They provide medical records and bills ordered in a secure and timely format. They confirm all orders and confirm the receipt of medical records and billings via email. This triggers the easy task of going to their website and downloading the medical records and billing information.

RRS appreciates Mr. Miller’s time sharing his valuable content. He can be reached at jmiller@millerinjury.com or 916-525-7761 or visit www.millerinjury.com

About The Author

img Chuck Dart
Chuck Dart started in the record retrieval business three decades ago. As the industry evolved from analog to digital, he recognized an opportunity to create a single, simple online solution that standardizes the record request and retrieval process across the entire healthcare industry.
